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Service Description
Cindy offers a range of services including consultation and targeted treatments, manual therapies, and natural remedies to release mental and physical blockages. Her personalized hypnotherapy uses the Dr. Rife method for targeted frequency wave sessions. She also offers naturopathy and efficient nutritional advice to support healing. Discover the power of perfect balance with Cindy. ....... Cindy te ofrece una gama de servicios que incluyen consultas y tratamientos específicos, terapias y remedios naturales para liberar bloqueos mentales y físicos. Su hipnoterapia personalizada utiliza el Dr. Método Rife para sesiones con ondas de frecuencia específicas. También te ofrece naturopatía y asesoramiento nutricional eficaz para apoyarte en tu camino a la salud. Descubra el poder del equilibrio perfecto con Cindy. ........ Cindy bietet eine Reihe von Dienstleistungen an, darunter Beratung und gezielte Behandlungen, manuelle Therapien und natürliche Heilmittel, um mentale und physische Blockaden zu lösen. Ihre personalisierte Hypnosetherapie verwendet die Dr. Rife-Methode für gezielte Frequenzwellensitzungen. Sie bietet auch Naturheilkunde und effiziente Ernährungsberatung zur Unterstützung der Heilung an. Entdecken Sie die Kraft der perfekten Balance mit Cindy.
Cancellation Policy
Appointment Cancellation Policy Agreement GRAF NATURAL WELLNESS is committed to providing all of our clients with exceptional care. If you cancel without giving enough notice, you prevent another client from being seen. Call or contact us through the portal or WhatsApp at US +1 (970) 2861736, CH +41 (0) 76 232 1195 at least 48 hours. before your scheduled appointment to notify any changes or cancellations. If advance notice is not given, you will be charged the full amount of the missed appointment, class, event, course, retreat, or workshop. Important Information: Every Session, Services, Class, Course, Workshop or Retreat has its own Booking Policy read it carefully before booking it. Additional REFUND POLICY: Be on notice that, any refund made through PayPal, credit cards, or direct bank transfer, generates an extra charge for the service, course, retreat, class, or event not carried out. This % fee will be taken out from the amount you paid for our service. Thank you.