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Stepping into a new ERA!

Be the first to access this revolutionary technology that will change forever the way you see your health!


Introducing the world's first quantum-energy wellness tool with products for optimal health

managed by a quantum program downloaded on a web-app, this virtual pharmacy can be activated from anywhere on any device, the results you will experience are impressive!

Join a one-of-a-kind wellness community of the future TODAY!

What is the Limbic Arc?

The Limbic Arc system consists of quantum-energy wellness " a virtual pharmacy with supplements & items or diverse products" that are all managed and used within a web-app that you can download from any of your devices.

Each wellness product is distributed through an InfoBoost ™. This means that as a Limbic Arc user, you don't have to carry any physical products nor take them orally!

What is InfoBoost™?

InfoBoosts are the output of quantum energy or (energy codes) that is produced through the Limbic Arc web-app program. Each InfoBoost given to you is based on the "product" you have selected and for the desired result. InfoBoosts are pre-set 14-day duration within the Limbic Arc web-app. However, you can change them or adjust the length of the InfoBoost to meet your needs and desired results.

How will I know what particular InfoBoosts™

I need and for how long?

The InfoBoosts ™ is determined by the desired effect. You can do a spark scan or fill up a health questionnaire within the web-app options. You can also book a bio-assessment with Cinthia, so you know what your body needs for optimal health. You can also just select your InfoBoost ™ manually according to your special needs, mostly when you already know your condition or the areas in your life you need to treat.

InfoBoosts ™ is the output of quantum energy or energy codes that is produced through the Limbic Arc web-app program. Each InfoBoost ™ item given to you is based on the "product" your body showed a response to and for the desired result.

InfoBoosts ™ are pre-set for a 14-day duration within the Limbic Arc app. However, you can adjust the length of the InfoBoost ™ to meet your needs and desired results, then just re-activate them as you need.

Once you register and set up your plan, log in, select one or more Infoboost, activate them with your name and date of birth, the information contained in the InfoBoost ™ will be boosting continually in your quantum field.


However, it is important for you to know that judgment is a no, no here, this is optimal health technology of the future, so in order to be effective, it is necessary for you to engage the conscious mind, so the subconscious mind facilitates this engagement, the Limbic Arc has a number of quantum triggers that are pushed out to the quantum field as energy vectors (energy codes) from the program to the field intermittently to your cell.

I encourage you not to question the how, just feel the results.

Is fascinating to feel it work! 

Can I turn off my cell phone?

Yes, when you initiate an InfoBoost ™ you can turn your cell phone off if you like. your InfoBoost ™ is still working. 

You do not receive the Infoboost's over the cell phone.

Some say radiation from cell phones may be harmful. Do not receive the InfoBoost ™ over the cell phone?

 Your cell phone or any device is just your form of selection device, and once you activate your InfoBoost you can turn your devices off. Your InfoBoost's ™ are running from the cloud program 24/7 to provide all these energetic signatures via quantum energy information, to help the body naturally come into balance.

Does it really work?

It absolutely does. You just have to try it to believe it!

We are all so different and in various levels of healthiness, so it is difficult to put time frames on results, it just takes a little experimentation. We have seen many immediate positive results. It all depends on you level of trusting that is working on you.


How about my current lifestyle?

Like with every natural supplementation program. It is always wise to implement a lifestyle that is balanced with good healthy food, exercise, relaxation and plenty of good pure water. 

However, you don't have to do this to get results, you just may experience faster results if you do.



If my phone is off or your battery dies, what happens to my InfoBoosts?

Your mobile device is only used to set up your InfoBoosts and activate them, also to receive the optional notifications. Otherwise, no power is needed from any of your devices, nor is it required to be powered on, it will remain active for 14 days straight, once it runs off, believe me you will feel it!... so, you go ahead log in, and activate it again.

If the LimbicArc doesn't work for me, is it easy to opt-out?

Absolutely. You can deactivate your LimbicArc anytime, just go to your settings, on your account just click unsubscribe or suspend.

You can also contact and ask them directly to do it for you, is that simple. For any question or extra support contact success@limbicarc

or call +1 801-877-5055


  A life-transforming tool!




























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Cindy's therapies, treatments, and sessions focus not just on alleviating symptoms but on uncovering and addressing the root causes behind them. Many clients have reported life-changing transformations as they engage in this healing journey. It's essential to approach these treatments with an open heart, ready to let go of emotional blocks a more profound healing experience. While initial adjustments may bring challenges, embracing the emotional aspects of healing often leads to more effective and lasting results.

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