Quantum Wellness & Advanced Immunity
Empower your body with the principles of quantum wellness and boost your immunity to thrive
Service Description
Advanced Complete Assessment, which will guide you in nourishing your body and providing the right supplementation to balance and strengthen your immune system. Knowing where to start with your health journey, the first step in making real and lasting changes. Some modifications in our lifestyle habits, our diet, exercise, and our thoughts, dramatically affect the expression of our cells in a positive way. ------ Evaluación Completa Avanzada, que te guiará en la nutrición de tu cuerpo y en la suplementación adecuada para equilibrar y fortalecer tu sistema inmunológico. Saber por dónde empezar en tu camino hacia la salud, el primer paso para lograr cambios reales y duraderos. Algunas modificaciones en nuestros hábitos de vida, nuestra dieta, ejercicio y nuestros pensamientos, afectan dramáticamente la expresión de nuestras células de manera positiva. ...... Erweiterte Komplettbewertung, die Sie bei der Ernährung Ihres Körpers und der Bereitstellung der richtigen Nahrungsergänzung zur Balance und Stärkung Ihres Immunsystems unterstützt. Zu wissen, wo Sie mit Ihrer Gesundheitsreise beginnen müssen, ist der erste Schritt zu echten und dauerhaften Veränderungen. Einige Änderungen unserer Lebensgewohnheiten, unserer Ernährung, unserer Bewegung und unserer Gedanken wirken sich dramatisch und positiv auf die Expression unserer Zellen aus.
Cancellation Policy
Appointment Cancellation Policy Agreement GRAF NATURAL WELLNESS is committed to providing all of our clients with exceptional care. If you cancel without giving enough notice, you prevent another client from being seen. Call or contact us through the portal or WhatsApp at US +1 (970) 2861736, CH +41 (0) 76 232 1195 at least 48 hours. before your scheduled appointment to notify any changes or cancellations. If advance notice is not given, you will be charged the full amount of the missed appointment, class, event, course, retreat, or workshop. Important Information: Every Session, Services, Class, Course, Workshop or Retreat has its own Booking Policy read it carefully before booking it. Additional REFUND POLICY: Be on notice that, any refund made through PayPal, credit cards, or direct bank transfer, generates an extra charge for the service, course, retreat, class, or event not carried out. This % fee will be taken out from the amount you paid for our service. Thank you.