Follow Up/Seguimiento/Nachverfolgen
Follow up with your Protocol/Seguimiento de su Protocolo/Befolgen Sie Ihr Protokoll
Service Description
The Follow up is designed to help you after your first diagnosis where you already follow a healthy lifestyle protocol or program and want to continue with the advice. Here we continue checking your progress and overall changes in your lifestyle after starting your protocol. --- El seguimiento está diseñado para ayudarte después de tu primer diagnóstico, cuando ya sigues un protocolo o programa de estilo de vida saludable y deseas continuar con los consejos. Aquí continuamos verificando tu progreso y los cambios generales en tu estilo de vida después de comenzar tu protocolo. --- Die Nachuntersuchung soll Ihnen nach Ihrer ersten Diagnose helfen, wenn Sie bereits ein Protokoll oder Programm für einen gesunden Lebensstil befolgen und die Ratschläge weiterverfolgen möchten. Hier überprüfen wir weiterhin Ihre Fortschritte und allgemeinen Änderungen Ihres Lebensstils nach Beginn Ihres Protokolls.
Cancellation Policy
Appointment Cancellation Policy Agreement GRAF NATURAL WELLNESS is committed to providing all of our clients with exceptional care. If you cancel without giving enough notice, you prevent another client from being seen. Call or contact us through the portal or WhatsApp at US +1 (970) 2861736, CH +41 (0) 76 232 1195 at least 48 hours. before your scheduled appointment to notify any changes or cancellations. If advance notice is not given, you will be charged the full amount of the missed appointment, class, event, course, retreat, or workshop. Important Information: Every Session, Services, Class, Course, Workshop or Retreat has its own Booking Policy read it carefully before booking it. Additional REFUND POLICY: Be on notice that, any refund made through PayPal, credit cards, or direct bank transfer, generates an extra charge for the service, course, retreat, class, or event not carried out. This % fee will be taken out from the amount you paid for our service. Thank you.