Service Description
You want to know a little more about your life to have a better guide and make better decisions about what to do and how to continue in this fantastic earthly adventure. Do you feel that you need angelic support? Allow me to connect you with your beings of light so that you receive their messages directly. ----- Quieres saber un poco más de tu vida para tener una mejor guía y tomar mejores decisiones sobre qué hacer y cómo continuar en esta fantástica aventura terrenal. ¿Sientes que necesitas apoyo angelical? Permítanme conectarlos con sus seres de luz para que reciban sus mensajes directamente. ------- Sie möchten etwas mehr über Ihr Leben wissen, um eine bessere Führung zu haben und bessere Entscheidungen darüber zu treffen, was zu tun ist und wie Sie dieses fantastische irdische Abenteuer fortsetzen. Haben Sie das Gefühl, dass Sie die Unterstützung von Engeln brauchen? Erlauben Sie mir, Sie mit Ihren Lichtwesen zu verbinden, damit Sie ihre Botschaften direkt empfangen.
Cancellation Policy
Appointment Cancellation Policy Agreement GRAF NATURAL WELLNESS is committed to providing all of our clients with exceptional care. If you cancel without giving enough notice, you prevent another client from being seen. Call or contact us through the portal or WhatsApp at US +1 (970) 2861736, CH +41 (0) 76 232 1195 at least 48 hours. before your scheduled appointment to notify any changes or cancellations. If advance notice is not given, you will be charged the full amount of the missed appointment, class, event, course, retreat, or workshop. Important Information: Every Session, Services, Class, Course, Workshop or Retreat has its own Booking Policy read it carefully before booking it. Additional REFUND POLICY: Be on notice that, any refund made through PayPal, credit cards, or direct bank transfer, generates an extra charge for the service, course, retreat, class, or event not carried out. This % fee will be taken out from the amount you paid for our service. Thank you.