Friday Evenings / For Couples or Singles
|Zurich Area in a Studio (Room)
"Be the Love you Wish to Find" Break toxic Cycles and Heal
We will embark on an 8-day journey to learn and master, the 8 Spiritual Laws of Relationships, to become the love we wish to find or upgrade your existing relationship in this lifetime.
Time & Location
Friday Evenings / For Couples or Singles
Zurich Area in a Studio (Room)
About the event
Communication is not exactly what we have been taught, if you want to restore balance & serenity if you want peace of mind within a relationship (or any relationship), maybe you feel lost and you want to find yourself again, or if you have been searching for your soul mate without success.
Perhaps it is time to try a new approach to your life! You may be surprised by the change in yourself and your relationships.
8 days Workshop Program (once a week):
Day 1, Topic: Why are relationships difficult?
Learn how to build a relationship with someone whose words drive (his or her) actions.
Exercise: Breathing with Kundalini Yoga for regulation and repair broken communications.
Meditation: Give yourself the gift of Grace.
Day 2. Topic: Why are we going through a loneliness epidemic?
We all need community, but we have difficulties and sometimes we don't talk about them honestly.
Exercise: Breathing exercises with Kundalini movements to relieve the pressure of being alone, revealing what is keeping you distant from love.
Meditation: A healthy conversation with yourself to understand the root cause of your loneliness.
Day 3. Topic: How to develop more self-esteem?
Starting to understand where you (and him or her) are truly coming from, how openly you express your needs, and finally how to set healthy boundaries.
Exercise: Enchantingly Beautiful (all genders) Kundalini Grove.
Meditation in motion; “I am the Light of my Soul” I am.
Day 4. I love you, but I can't be with you.... ?!
Disorganized attachment, understanding why we become anxious and then avoidant.
Exercise: Emotional Kundalini Yoga for a secure attachment, learning to reach a point where you feel comfortable and safe bonding with someone.
Meditation with visualization “Feeling valued, acknowledged and loved”
Day 5. Who are you?... Do you even love me?
Understanding and dealing with various personalities: the provocateur, the blame projector, the personalizer, the life of the party, the negative stoic, are you one of them
Exercise: Breathwork exercises to release old behavioral patterns, QiGong, and meditation in motion for detoxification, to cleanse and activate our mind and all body systems.
Meditation: Understanding, making peace, and embracing my Inner Child
Day 6. A successful relationship doesn't mean your life is going to be on cloud number 7, 24/7.
How to build trust, get through tough times together, and be there for each other when needed.
Exercise: Guided Forgiveness Exercise “I forgive myself, I forgive you, I ask for forgiveness... we are in peace” Meditation: I forgive myself, now, I am free...
Day 7. Do you know that another person can't make you happy? But YOU can!
Breaking cycles. Building an emotionally healthy home.
Exercise: I feel safe and secure, breathing Akasha movements, and exercises.
Meditation “I found the person who allows me to feel safe”
Day 8. Why has marriage evolved?
The difference between previous and today's marriages is about complimentary union instead of survival, today we are looking for a partner who complements us in love.
Exercise: “Becoming the love partner I want to find” exercise, and Kundalini breathwork.
Final meditation “ Now, I feel complete”
Suggestions to continue exercising at home for 21 days after the event.
There are three variable price categories for this workshop:
Every Friday for 8 days, from 6:00-8:00 pm
The base price is CHF 1200,-
The regular price is CHF 1350,-
With the extra support price of CHF 1500,- (you also support me personally)
All three price variants include the same offer. So you can decide for yourself how much the workshop is worth to you.
Limited Groups min. 6 / max 12 people on each workshop
You can choose to take it in German, English or Spanish.
What you should bring to the workshop:
Your yoga mat
Water bottle
Face towel
Cushion or pillow
Flowers for the altar circle
Paper and pen